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Active Network IntelligenceTM

Comprehensive Network Security and Forensics for Management and Litigation

Patent-pending technology from PGI collects, correlates, and centrally manages network information so that IT administrators can effectively identify, document and control data theft, insider threats and regulatory compliance. PGI services include IT security, compliance, forensics, network performance management and investigative services.

Real-Time Collection

PGI Solutions, LLC combines Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Network Forensics (NF) services focused on real-time collection, acquisition, correlation, analysis, and reporting for compliance and litigation. With patent pending Discovery ThreadingTM solutions, Active Network IntelligenceTM will provide your company management, technology and legal personnel with the information you need to make timely and important decisions.

Pre-Incident Discovery, Monitoring, and Acquisition

Network mapping and monitoring before an incident allows the most timely post-incident analysis by information technology and security staff and legal personnel. Company logs are continuously gathered, stored and correlated against a rule-based alert system to advise your client’s technology department of current network activity. Because logs are collected frequently and secured forensically, incident evidence is available for tracking both internal as well as external breaches. On a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, customized reports are generated to fulfill specific compliance requirements.

Post-Incident Discovery

Network discovery and acquisition after an incident identifies trace evidence of past network configurations and activity. Network maps compiled with the data are unsurpassed in helping educate management, judges and juries in the complexities of an incident or case. Prior to the acquisition of hard drive evidence, discovery provides server and workstation information, which assists forensics personnel and cuts costs. PGI client companies also benefit directly as discovery enhances IT staff capabilities with network activity reports and alerts.

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Master IT Security and Regulatory Compliance